What does 1 Corinthians 12:1 mean?
Paul launches into a new topic with this verse. Since he begins by saying "now concerning," most scholars assume he is answering another, separate question. This is likely another issue raised by the Corinthians in a letter we no longer have (1 Corinthians 7:1). Paul has gone back and forth between addressing reported issues in the Corinthians church and answering their questions to him.The question raised here is about "spiritual gifts" or the "spiritual ones." It's possible the Corinthians' question had to do with those among them who were thought to be "more spiritual," because they seemed to have spiritual abilities the others did not. Paul writes he does not want them to be uninformed. He will go on to show that every Christian is spiritual. Every believer has a gift, or gifts, from the Holy Spirit. Not all gifts are as obvious or as public as others, however.