What does 1 John 4:7 mean?
This verse begins the second major section of this chapter, returning to the theme of love. John begins by once again addressing his readers as "beloved." He then mentions both love and God three times each. First, believers are to "love one another." This reflects both the commandments of Jesus (John 13:34–35), and John's prior teaching on recognizing a life influenced by Christ (1 John 2:7–11).Second, the reason believers are to love one another is because "love is from God." The ability to act lovingly towards others is one of the benefits of a close relationship with Jesus Christ.
Third, the person who truly loves God has "been born of God and knows God." This last statement includes two separate ideas. The person who is "born of God" is a saved Christian believer (John 3). The natural, expected result of this is for that person to have a close relationship with Him. This results in that person "knowing" God. A person cannot love God adequately without being born again. Nor can a person truly love others apart from God's love. Those who demonstrate godly love prove that they are saved.
First John 4:7–10 returns to the theme of love. Here, John explains how true, godly love in a person's life is a sign of being born again. Those who truly love God will act on that love, towards other people. Those who don’t demonstrate love have no fellowship with God, at minimum. Love is something God showed us first, by sending Christ. Our love for Him is ultimately rooted in His original love for us. We are again reminded that true love involves acting, not just feeling.
Chapter 4 warns Christians not to accept every claim they hear. Instead, believers are to compare what they hear to the basic truths of the gospel. John then returns to the theme of love, explaining how believers ought to live out the presence of God's love in their lives. In addition, living according to God's love takes away our fear of judgment. In no uncertain terms, those who claim to love God, but hate others, are liars.