What does 1 John 5:10 mean?
John declares that, for believers, this testimony about Jesus is both objective and personal. Christians have evidence of the truth because God lives within them. There are natural, powerful effects of a relationship with Christ that can be seen and felt by ourselves, and by others. Those who do not believe God, John says, are rejecting His truth, which is the same as accusing Him of lying. Similarly, in 1 John 1:10, John noted that the person who says he is free from sin makes God a liar, and shows a lack of truth.The unbeliever has not accepted the testimony of God, as believers have. They may see Jesus as a good person, but do not accept Him as God's Son. As a result, they accuse God of lying, since God called Jesus His Son (Matthew 3:17). Likewise, at the transfiguration, God the Father stated, "This is my Son, my Chosen One; listen to him!" (Luke 9:35).