What does 1 Peter 3:8 mean?
This verse begins a new section of Peter's letter. The letter is written to Christians in general. Earlier passages focused on issues unique to various groups, such as slaves, wives, and husbands. Here, Peter writes to "all of you." Every Christian believer is called to obey these five commands as we live in relationship with each other. Each command requires a certain level of mutual submission and / or selflessness toward other Christians.First, we are to be "harmonious," or like-minded. God means for the community of Christians to be unified around one way of thinking: the way of Jesus.
Next, Christians are to be sympathetic. We should be emotionally moved by, and sincerely interested in, the feelings of other believers.
Then, Peter commands us to love, as brothers love each other. In other words, a "family" kind of love. Of course, siblings don't always like each other. But, for the most part, they are committed to each other above those outside of the family. Christians should carry that commitment for other Christians.
Next, we are to be compassionate or kind-hearted. This is similar to being sympathetic, but it implies that we are ready to show each other kindness, with a desire for the good of the other person.
Finally, Christians are to be humble in spirit or have a "humble mind." We should be ready to set ourselves aside. We should make others the focus of our attention. Christians are to lift up one another, to disappear in our efforts to support each other.