What does 1 Samuel 10:23 mean?
Please see our chapter commentary on 1 Samuel chapter 10, verse-level content coming soon!First Samuel 10:17–27 describes how God indicates that Saul is to become the first king of Israel. Samuel calls the nation to gather. Though the Lord is allowing the people to reject Him by insisting on a human king, lots are cast to reveal the tribe of Benjamin, Saul's clan and family, and finally Saul himself. Saul is hardly eager: he hides. Once found, he stands before the people, taller than everyone. After Samuel endorses the Lord's choice, the people call out "long live the king!" Saul returns to his home with a group of valiant men. Another group despises him, but Saul takes no action against them.
Samuel anoints Saul as the next prince of Israel and gives him three signs of things that will happen to confirm his prophecy. The Spirit of God rushes on Saul and he joins in prophesying with a group of musical prophets. Saul tells his uncle he met Samuel, but he doesn't reveal what Samuel told him about the kingship. Samuel calls all of Israel to Mizpah. Saul is selected king by casting lots. Though Saul hides at first, the people shout, "long live the king!" A group of valiant men accompany Saul back home while another group opposes him.