What does 1 Samuel 13:23 mean?
Please see our chapter commentary on 1 Samuel chapter 13, verse-level content coming soon!First Samuel 13:8–23 describes one of Saul's many unwise, disobedient choices. When Israelites fearfully abandon a battle against their Philistine oppressors, Saul takes matters into his own hands. God's prophet, Samuel, is late. So, Saul performs the pre-battle sacrifice himself. Samuel arrives and tells Saul this is why he will not remain king (1 Samuel 16:13). Saul leads the small army he has left to make a stand at Geba, across a ravine from the Philistine army at Michmash. Vastly outnumbered and without many weapons, the Israelites wait as the Philistines begin to move to attack them.
Saul and his son Jonathan defeat a garrison of Philistines and rally Israelites to join them at Gilgal. The Philistines bring a massive army and camp at Michmash. Terrified Israelites begin to flee. Saul disobeys God by not waiting for Samuel and instead offers burnt offerings to the Lord himself. Samuel tells Saul that the throne will pass to someone else because of Saul's faithlessness. The Israelites encamp at Geba, across a deep ravine from the Philistine army. Aside from Saul and Jonathan, the Israelites have no swords or spears.