What does 1 Samuel 17:22 mean?
David's father sent him to deliver food to his brothers, encamped with Saul against the Philistines at the Valley of Elah (1 Samuel 17:17–19). The youngest of Jesse's sons has arrived just as the Israelites are forming up their battle lines against the Philistine army across the valley (1 Samuel 17:21).This is not the right moment to deliver the food to his brothers and the commander of their division (1 Samuel 17:18). Instead, David leaves his large load of food with the man who watches the supplies and runs among the ranks of the soldiers to find his brothers and talk with them. The youthful David is not yet allowed to fight with the army, but he seems eager to get close to the action.
First Samuel 17:12–23 re-introduces David (1 Samuel 16:11–13), who travels between shepherding and playing music for King Saul. This chapter seems to add detail to the earlier description of David in Saul's service (1 Samuel 16:18–21). David's father sends the young man on an errand to his three oldest brothers, camped with the rest of Israel's army in a faceoff with the Philistines. While there, David hears one of the daily challenges from Goliath, the enormous Philistine champion.
David, delivering food to his brothers at the Israelite army camp, hears the Philistine Goliath's defiant challenge. Single man combat could decide the battle, but no Israelite wanted to face the massive warrior. David is appalled that a Philistine would defy the armies of the living God. He volunteers to fight, and King Saul agrees. Before the battle, David declares that the Lord will give victory and thereby show the world that there is a God in Israel. David quickly kills and beheads Goliath. The Israelites chase the Philistines back to their own territory and plunder their camp. David brings Goliath's head to Saul.