What does 1 Samuel 17:49 mean?
After building up to the confrontation between David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17:1–10, 23, 31–47), the action of the battle itself is contained in just a few verses. David and the champion of the Philistines have apparently charged each other. David has moved quickly because of his youth and not being weighed down by armor or weapons (1 Samuel 17:48). In the most literal terms, we're not told that this was the first or only action of the battle. But, given how quickly it occurs, it seems likely that the contest was over in a single step.Despite common myths, David is not a small child armed with a slingshot. He was probably a teenager. He has experience with dangerous combat (1 Samuel 17:34–35). Slings in that era were legitimate weapons (Judges 20:16; 1 Chronicles 12:2). They were long straps used to throw stones which could be the size of a human fist—though the typical rock was about the size of a large coin. An effectively used sling could crack like a bullwhip as the stone was released. David has carefully chosen his ammunition (1 Samuel 17:40). He seems to know exactly what is about to happen. The lesson of this story is not that God provided a supernatural miracle, but that He only required someone to act without fear.
Scripture offers only the bare details of the incredibly brief battle. David has run forward, closing distance between Goliath and his shield bearer (1 Samuel 17:7). Most likely, the Philistine sees David's staff (1 Samuel 17:43) but might not have noticed the sling. A slinger could spin the rock around before releasing it, but it could also be thrown in a single motion, much like a baseball pitcher. In this case, however, the projectile is a solid rock being fired at close range.
With a well-aimed shot, David hits the giant in one of the places not well-protected by armor. Likely, this was at the top of the nose, or as the expression says, "right between the eyes." The rock hits hard enough to "sink in," which means impacting with enough force to cave in the giant's skull. Whether this is immediately fatal or not, it's a knockout blow that drops the Philistine face-down in the dirt. David will waste no time in making good on his prior threat (1 Samuel 17:46).
Goliath's earlier description (1 Samuel 17:5–6) reminds some of a serpent, evoking the idea of humanity's great enemy, Satan (Genesis 3:1). That David wins by crushing this "serpent's" head also mirrors those ideas (Genesis 3:15; Revelation 12:9; 20:2).