What does 1 Samuel 5:8 mean?
The nation of the Philistines was ruled by a pentapolis, meaning five cities. Each of these cities was ruled by a lord and important decisions that impacted the nation were shared between them (1 Samuel 6:4, 17–18). The ruler of Ashdod understood that his city was under siege from a plague of tumors caused by the presence of the ark of the Lord God of Israel (1 Samuel 5:2–7). He needed help.The rulers met and decided to transfer the ark of the Lord from Ashdod, near the coast, to Gath, to the southeast and closer to the region of Judah. Gath will later be known as the city of the giant Goliath (1 Samuel 17:4) and of King Achish (1 Samuel 21:10–15). It's unknown why the Philistines decided to send the ark to Gath. Perhaps they thought the primary reason for their affliction was that the ark was still in the temple beside idols to Dagon. For whatever reason, they thought things would go differently there than in Ashdod.