What does 1 Timothy 5:16 mean?
This provides Paul's summary and conclusion regarding instructions for widows. This verse emphasizes that Paul has been specifically speaking to believers in the church. Here, he clarifies that Christians are to care for their relatives who were widows, whether believers or unbelievers. Specifically, younger women are commanded in this verse to care for older women who are widows. The group referred to here with the word "them" could include a mother, grandmothers, and possibly other extended family members.One important reason for this care is the fact that church resources are limited. Money, materials, and manpower are not infinite. This was even more relevant in the persecuted days of the early church. Churches need to concentrate their help on "those who are truly widows" (1 Timothy 5:3).
Interestingly, and importantly, for those who did qualify, the church is not being instructed to merely send money. They are ordered to "care" for them as well (James 1:27). This care could include meeting a wide variety of needs, including food, housing, medical care, and other practical needs. A needs often forgotten in the concept of "care," as well, is simple fellowship (Acts 2:42). Believers need the companionship and closeness of other Christians almost as much as they need food and water (Hebrews 10:24–25).