
1 Timothy 5:23

ESV (No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments.)
NIV Stop drinking only water, and use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses.
NASB Do not go on drinking only water, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments.
CSB Don’t continue drinking only water, but use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses.
NLT Don’t drink only water. You ought to drink a little wine for the sake of your stomach because you are sick so often.
KJV Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities.
NKJV No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for your stomach’s sake and your frequent infirmities.

What does 1 Timothy 5:23 mean?

This verse seems to interrupt the flow of the passage. In fact, many translations place these words inside parentheses for that reason. The original Greek manuscripts used no punctuation; if they did, it's likely Paul would have made the same choice. This side-note addresses Timothy's physical health. Paul had mentioned the importance of physical fitness in 1 Timothy 4:8. Here, he speaks regarding Timothy's diet. Timothy apparently did not drink any wine at this point, consuming only water. However, Timothy seems to have experienced digestive or physical problems. To help, Paul commanded him to drink "a little wine."

In a time before modern refrigeration, most people drank fermented juice. It's possible Timothy sought to live as an example by complete abstinence from wine, thereby avoiding any questions about his use of alcohol. Unfortunately, this led to some sickness and Paul told him to drink some wine to assist. He was not to become drunk (1 Timothy 3:3), but could consume wine in the manner God intended such things to be used (1 Timothy 4:4–5). While even Jesus turned water into wine in His first recorded miracle (John 2), other biblical passages speak about the caution believers should use in drinking wine and the importance of considering the needs of others in this area (Romans 14).
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