What does 1 Timothy 6:14 mean?
This verse continues Paul's command to Timothy. Paul has already referred to Timothy's public profession of the faith, and called on the name of Christ as an example of a faithful, true witness. The commandment Timothy is being told to keep with such urgency is that one Paul gave in verses 11 and 12.The idea of being unstained comes from the Greek word aspilon, which literally refers to a garment without any permanent spots. Metaphorically, it means to be clean, pure, and free from immorality. The second term is anepilēmpton, meaning free from reproach, or blameless, which is an expectation of elders (1 Timothy 3:2). Paul expects Timothy to maintain this state until the "appearing" of Christ.
Paul clearly expected Jesus to return any moment when he wrote this letter, something he wrote about in detail in 1 Corinthians 15:51–58, as well as 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18. This reference seems to be to what is known as the rapture: the imminent return of Jesus for His believers who will be with Him forever (1 Thessalonians 4:17). Paul also spoke of the future appearing of Jesus in 2 Timothy 4:1 and 8 and Titus 2:13.
First Timothy 6:11–21 provides a contrast to the errors and temptations exhibited by false teachers. Paul delivers a strong, unmistakable mandate to Timothy: maintain your testimony, maintain your faith, fight for what is true and right. As a church leader, Timothy's primary weapons against false doctrine and sin are keeping himself on God's path and refusing to waver in his instruction of fellow church members. At the same time, Paul warns Timothy not to be distracted by the pseudo-intellectual debates in which some false teachers engage.
This chapter completes Paul's highly practical instructions to his friend and student, Timothy. The major focus of this passage is proper Christian conduct, and the avoidance of evil. Paul gives several character flaws common in those who teach false doctrine. He also provides a stark warning about the dangers of greed and materialism. Those who become obsessed with wealth open themselves to virtually any other sin one can imagine. Timothy is given a clear mandate to uphold his faith and testimony, along with Paul's blessings and encouragement.