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1 Timothy chapter 6

English Standard Version

New International Version

New American Standard Bible

Christian Standard Bible

New Living Translation

King James Version

New King James Version

What does 1 Timothy chapter 6 mean?

First Timothy 6 is the final chapter of this letter from Paul to his younger friend. This passage covers four main areas of discussion.

Verses 1 and 2 are actually part of the discussion concluded in chapter 5. These are instructions regarding slaves or bondservants. These commands follow Paul's details for various groups in the church, beginning in 1 Timothy 5:1, which included older men, younger men, older women, younger women, widows, and elders. Paul's emphasis here is on maintaining good Christian conduct, regardless of life circumstances. This gives us a more powerful witness and makes it easier to influence others for the sake of God.

Verses 3 through 5 discuss false teachers in the church at Ephesus. Paul had already mentioned these deceivers earlier in the letter. Here, he offers final, bold words to condemn their actions. Along the way, he provides character traits which often mark those who promote false doctrines.

Verses 6 through 19 cover attitudes toward finances and godly living. Both areas are closely connected in these verses, showing how our use of money and our behaviors are related. Both ought to be humbly and generously used for God's glory. While wealth and material objects are not themselves evil, excessive desire for them can tempt us towards all sorts of sins. Those who fall prey to the love of money open the door to virtually any temptation known to man.

The final words of this letter are found in a two-verse conclusion, verses 20 and 21. Paul commands Timothy to guard what had been entrusted to him and oppose ungodliness. This refers both to Timothy's personal testimony, his spiritual gifts, and the profession of faith he has made in front of many witnesses. Paul's final words note, "Grace be with you," a personal yet common benediction to Paul's letters.

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