What does 2 Peter 2:12 mean?
Peter continues his condemnation of the false teachers among the people of the church, describing both their reckless sins before God and the consequences those sins will cause for them. Peter has revealed that these false teachers were, apparently, insulting or mocking celestial beings as part of their teaching. Peter calls that blasphemy: speaking without proper reverence about sacred things. We don't know what they were saying, specifically, or why they were saying it, but Peter makes it clear that they didn't know what they were talking about.For this and other reasons, Peter compares these false teachers to animals driven only by instinct and not by rational thought. He writes that they are doing what comes naturally in the same way a wild animal, for instance, might attack a human being without apparent cause. Like that wild animal, Peter says these false teachers will be caught and destroyed. In their case, though, it is God who will destroy them. Likely, Peter is referring to their eternal judgment.
It is interesting that Peter contrasts those who act like animals with those who act with reason. Christianity, from the very beginning, has been friendly to the mind. In fact, a major aspect of the faith is purposeful control of one's thought life (Romans 12:2). The idea of ignoring the intellect, to focus only on feelings, is completely at odds with biblical faith.