What does Acts 10:39 mean?
Peter is in Caesarea Maritima at the home of the Roman centurion Cornelius. Cornelius has invited friends and family—many of whom worship the Jewish God—to hear what Peter has to say. Peter quickly overcomes his shock at being invited to the home of a Gentile and tells them about Jesus.It's unclear who the "we" are. Peter had been in Lydda and Joppa, west of Jerusalem. When he received Cornelius' invitation in Joppa, he brought "six brothers" (Acts 11:12) from Joppa (Acts 10:23). We don't know who they are or where they learned about Jesus. They may have heard Jesus speak. They may have been in Jerusalem at some point when Peter and the other apostles preached. Or they may be recent converts thanks to Philip (Acts 8:40). Peter's fellow witnesses may be the other apostles who aren't there but were commissioned by Jesus to tell His story shortly before the ascension (Acts 1:8).
Traditional verse divisions create an awkward separation here, as verse 40 completes Jesus' death with the resurrection. A "tree" is any vertical piece of wood—in this case the cross, but in the Old Testament sometimes an Asherah pole. To be crucified was the greatest dishonor in Roman culture, but to hang from a "tree" was a curse according to the Jews (Deuteronomy 21:22–23). It's unclear what the "country of the Jews" means; it could mean Judea or Judea and Galilee.
Acts 10:34–43 describes the first group of Gentiles receiving salvation. A Roman centurion in the Roman capital of Caesarea Maritima has filled his house with friends and family to hear from Peter, one of the leaders of a new Jewish sect. As a God-fearing Gentile in Samaria, the centurion knows about the prophets and the events around Jesus' ministry and crucifixion. He apparently needs to know about the resurrection and Jesus' role in God's plan of forgiveness. Before Peter is even finished speaking, the Holy Spirit falls on the group, and the era of Gentile Jesus-followers begins.
Peter has been a dominant voice in the spread of Jesus' message to Jews and proselytes. Now he brings the gospel to Gentiles. An angel tells Cornelius, a centurion, to ask Peter to come to him. Peter is praying when he receives a vision of food—including non-kosher food—and God's voice telling him to eat. When the centurion's messengers arrive, Peter realizes the dream meant that Gentiles are no longer unclean. He follows the messengers and tells Cornelius' household about salvation through Jesus. Before Peter can lay his hands on them or baptize them, the Holy Spirit falls on them.