What does Acts 15:30 mean?
Legalistic Jewish Christians from Judea had come to the church in Syrian Antioch and told Gentiles they must be circumcised and conform to the Mosaic law (Acts 15:1). They claimed this was a requirement for salvation by grace; truthfully, they couldn't eat or worship with Gentiles without losing their reputation among the non-Christian Jews (Galatians 6:12). The apostles and elders of the church in Jerusalem reject their claims but do require the Gentiles to refrain from sexual immorality and make modest changes to their dietary habits (Acts 15:29). These changes will ensure that normal Jewish Christians can live in community with them.The council of the church in Jerusalem write their verdict in a letter. Paul and Barnabas, whose home church is in Syrian Antioch, had brought the conflict to the church in Jerusalem (Acts 15:2). They now accompany Judas Barsabbas and Silas, representatives of the council who will deliver the message (Acts 15:22). The Antiochenes are greatly encouraged. Not only are they free from legalistic expectations, the apostles and James, the half-brother of Jesus and pastor of the church in Jerusalem, have affirmed their churches are in harmony.
The requirements given by the council have very little practical impact. These believers already know they should not be sexually immoral. It would be little problem to avoid blood and meat sacrificed to idols in the few joint meals they hold every week. The Antiochenes are grateful to know how they can better be unified with the Jews in the church the Holy Spirit has established (1 Corinthians 12:13). In our own lives and in our churches, we should do the same: seek clarity when we appear to afflict believers from a different culture, reject sin of any kind, and humbly seek out a solution that will bring reconciliation. Fighting for our "rights" while ignoring the concerns of others is not unifying.