What does Acts 17:5 mean?
Paul has been preaching in a synagogue in Thessalonica, explaining how the Jewish prophets said the Messiah would die and rise again. He then shows how Jesus of Nazareth fits the description of the prophecies. Some of the Jews and many of the God-fearing Gentiles believe his message (Acts 17:1–4).As in Pisidian Antioch (Acts 13:45, 50), many of the other Jews grow jealous that Paul so quickly earns such a large following. As with the Sanhedrin's accusations against Jesus, they have no rebuttal for Paul's assertions. They have no defense against the idea that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah they have long awaited. But more than the Messiah, they value the standing and influence they've carved out in this pagan society.
The threat and use of civil unrest both seem common weapons in the Roman Empire. The Jews in Pisidian Antioch used it (Acts 13:50). A riot seemed to be a by-product of the attack on Paul and Silas in Philippi (Acts 16:19–22). Perhaps the biggest riot will occur when the silversmiths in Ephesus realize the more people worship Jesus, the less need they have of idols of Artemis (Acts 19:23–41). In all these cases, it is jealousy and resentment that lead people to reject Jesus' offer of salvation, not disbelief. They would rather maintain their position in their culture than accept the truth.
Sadly, we know nothing about Jason. He either hosts Paul, Silas, and Timothy, or he hosts the church once it moves out of the synagogue (Acts 17:7). He may be the Jason of Romans 16:21, but "Jason" is a common Greek translation of the Hebrew "Joshua," so they may be different people. This is the first time persecution strikes a local who has come to faith in Christ while Paul and his team remain unscathed.