Acts 5:33

ESV When they heard this, they were enraged and wanted to kill them.
NIV When they heard this, they were furious and wanted to put them to death.
NASB But when they heard this, they became infuriated and nearly decided to execute them.
CSB When they heard this, they were enraged and wanted to kill them.
NLT When they heard this, the high council was furious and decided to kill them.
KJV When they heard that, they were cut to the heart, and took counsel to slay them.
NKJV When they heard this, they were furious and plotted to kill them.

What does Acts 5:33 mean?

The high priests have arrested the disciples for disobeying the order to stop teaching in Jesus' name (Acts 4:17–18; 5:17–18). As far as they and the other Sadducees are concerned, Jesus is dead and resurrection from the dead is impossible, no matter how popular the concept might be among the people. But the apostles also directly blame the Sanhedrin for Jesus' death. The Sanhedrin doesn't seem concerned that the apostles also accused a large group of people who probably weren't involved in the crucifixion, many of whom repented and started following Jesus (Acts 2:9–41). Nor do they seem to take into account that the apostles also accused a large crowd of people in the temple courtyard who similarly responded in repentance (Acts 3:13–15; 4:4). What the Sanhedrin knows is that, unlike those other groups, they are specifically, literally, and legally responsible for Jesus' death.

These accusations and claims trouble the Sanhedrin. Still, they aren't what make the Jewish leaders enraged. Peter says, very clearly, that Jesus is the cause of the creation of the Jewish people and the Jewish Messiah, and God elevated Him to sit at His right hand. When Jesus made similar claims, the people tried to stone Him (John 8:48–59). When Stephen describes His vision of Jesus at God's right hand, a mob does stone him, to death (Acts 7:54–60).

When the disciples, terrified of a violent storm, awakened Jesus who was asleep in the boat, Jesus asked them, "Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?" (Mark 4:40). He didn't say this because as His followers they will never face hardships. In fact, He promised they will (Matthew 10:16–23). But they know they will not face death until their work is done. For James, this time is coming soon (Acts 12:1–2). Still, they are willing to face physical harm and, eventually, death in the service of their Lord and Savior.
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