What does Acts 8:32 mean?
An Ethiopian court official is on his way home from worshiping God in Jerusalem. He is on the road from Jerusalem to Gaza; in Gaza, he will take the road south toward Egypt. An angel has sent the evangelist Philip to meet up with him. Philip hears the official reading from the book of Isaiah and asks if he knows what it means. The Ethiopian invites Philip to explain it (Acts 8:26–31).Some time before, a pair of men who followed Jesus were walking on a road out of Jerusalem. They were perplexed by the report that although Jesus had been crucified and buried, He was alive again. Jesus met them and, "beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself" (Luke 24:27).
Illuminating the Old Testament was standard operating procedure for those who witnessed to Jews and worshipers of the Jewish God. Peter used the prophecies of Joel (Acts 2:16–21) and David (Acts 2:25–28). Paul did as well, as he traveled from city to city, generally starting his teaching in the synagogues (see Acts 17:1–3).
The Ethiopian is reading from Isaiah 53 which speaks of the Suffering Servant. In Isaiah 53:7, the Servant is described as a silent lamb being led by others. There is some confusion about this verse because when Jesus was on trial, He did speak to His accusers and to Pilate (John 18:19–23, 33–38). And yet, He did not defend Himself (Mark 14:60–61; 15:4–5). The charges were obviously false and had He said something, He may have been released. But He had come to do His Father's work—to die for our sins.