What does Colossians 2:12 mean?
In prior verses, Paul discussed how circumcision, as a physical ritual, is no longer required. Knowing Christ is what matters, and we are identified—spiritually—with Jesus through our faith, not our physical actions. Here, Paul connects the purpose of Old Testament circumcision with the purpose of New Testament baptism. Both serve as an external, physical symbol of the relationship between God and mankind.Just as Christ died and rose again, baptism serves as a symbol of dying to the old self and beginning a new life. These words pack a great deal of information into a short phrase. Baptism is noted as important for every Christian after conversion. Second, salvation is again emphasized as in Christ by faith. Third, faith comes from God's power, not our own. Fourth, God the Father raised Jesus from the dead. Jesus did not merely pass out, but literally died and then physically rose again. All of these are crucial points for understanding the gospel message.