What does Colossians 2:9 mean?
Speaking of Christ, Paul closely imitates the phrasing he used in Colossians 1:19. In chapter 1, the connection was reconciliation with God through the blood of Christ. Here, the contrast is between the importance of deceptive human philosophy and Christ's wisdom. His ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:9).These words also emphasize the human aspect of Jesus. Some taught that Jesus was divine, but not fully human. Paul clearly noted Jesus was physically human while also fully divine (John 1:1). Though modern skeptics often argue belief in the deity of Jesus was a later development, Paul clearly believed and wrote about the deity of Jesus in this letter, which was written around AD 60—62. This was a teaching Paul said he received from the apostles after his conversion, which occurred within three years of the resurrection (Galatians 1:18). The doctrine of Jesus' deity is not a later invention, but the teaching of the eyewitnesses of Jesus.
Colossians 2:6–15 describes Christ's superiority in defeating sin. This is shown in stark contrast to the failure of the unbelieving world. Paul encourages the Colossians not to be tricked by deceptive arguments. This passage also explains the drastic nature of salvation. Those who put their faith in Christ are ''spiritually'' circumcised and are identified with God through their faith. This act of forgiveness by God frees us from the eternal penalty of sin, restores our relationship, and defeats the evil forces fighting against us.
In this passage, Paul warns Christians not to be taken in by deceptive arguments. These claims are attractive, but are merely tricks: they sound true, but they are not. Arguing for self-denial, legalism, visions, and other practices only looks good to observers. None of these are the real source of spiritual growth. Paul emphasizes the way Christ accomplished everything we need to be justified before God. As a result, there is no reason for believers to pursue these false, shallow ''shadows.'' We have the real substance: Jesus, so we should follow Him.