What does Daniel 12:9 mean?
This is a non-answer to Daniel's prior question (Daniel 12:8). He didn't fully understand all he'd seen and heard (Daniel 11:2—12:4). But at that time, everything which needed to be given was delivered. Daniel is simply told to go about his life (Daniel 12:13). As before (Daniel 12:4), the terms "seal" and "shut up" imply protection and preservation. They are not commands here but stated as completed actions. Likely this means Daniel was to safeguard what he'd written and to be careful with whom he shared. At "the time of the end," these prophecies would be more widely applied and more relevant. As with many prophecies, they will probably only be fully understood when they are fulfilled.Next, the angel offers more broad insight into the end times. This includes a comment about those who will or will not follow God and another note about timing (Daniel 12:10–12).