What does Daniel 2:42 mean?
Each part of the statue seen in Nebuchadnezzar's dream (Daniel 2:1–3) symbolized a nation; this predicted the future of the middle east (Daniel 2:31–35). The golden head was Babylon (Daniel 2:36–38). Knowing which nations were predicted by the other portions is possible, now, through the hindsight of history. The silver chest and arms represent the Medo-Persian Empire. The bronze midsection was Greece (Daniel 2:39). The iron legs and feet were Rome (Daniel 2:40–41). The feet and toes being made of both iron and clay—two materials that do not meld—highlights the nation's division. Rome was both strong iron and weak clay. The description in this verse further notes the inclusion of brittle clay among the iron, further weakening it.Most commentators suggest the toes of the statue are meant to represent ten kings ruling the territory of the Roman Empire. This will be part of Daniel's prediction later in this book (Daniel 7:24–27). However, the toes are not mentioned as individual parts here in Nebuchadnezzar's dream. As far as Daniel's dream is concerned, the toes may represent further division and weakness, but they are not references to the end times—yet.
Certain interpretations of the tribulation period suggest a revived Roman Empire will emerge. Revelation 13:1 refers to ten horns that protrude from the head of the beast, presumably the head of the revived Roman Empire. These ten horns are equivalent to the ten toes of the statue of Nebuchadnezzar's dream, but not necessarily explained there. Revelation 17:12 refers specifically to ten kings who share authority with "the beast" for a brief time in the tribulation period. Ultimately, they will hand their power and territories over to the beast. The emergence of these ten kings and their kingdoms awaits the time when Christ comes in the air to rapture His church (1 Thessalonians 4:13–17).
Daniel 2:31–45 provides both the content and the interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's troubling dream (Daniel 2:1–3). The dream describes what is sometimes called "the latter days" or "the times of the Gentiles." This is part of a section of the book of Daniel recorded in Aramaic (Daniel 2:4—7:28), the common language of Babylon at the time. The image seen in the dream includes a progression of shapes and materials, representing a sequence of kingdoms, their characteristics, and their eventual fates.
King Nebuchadnezzar tests his magicians, demanding they tell him what he has dreamed, rather than merely inventing an interpretation. When they fail, he prepares to execute the entire department of wise men. Daniel promises he can meet the king's request and is given a special vision from God. The king dreamed of a massive statue shattered into powder by a supernatural rock. Daniel accurately describes this and interprets it as a prophecy about kingdoms which would come after Babylon. The king appoints Daniel and his friends to positions of power and influence over Babylon.