What does Daniel 5:2 mean?
Daniel made a point of mentioning Belshazzar's drinking when introducing this incident (Daniel 5:1). Here, he includes descriptions of blasphemy. Belshazzar disrespects captured Jewish artifacts (Daniel 1:2) by using them as drinking cups while committing idolatry (Daniel 5:4). He demonstrates a total lack of disregard for God, who had commanded the consecration of those objects (Exodus 30:22–29). Nebuchadnezzar, a prior king, had come to respect the One True God (Daniel 4:34). Later kings sought to strengthen Babylon's commitment to their traditional deities. It's possible Belshazzar's choice was calculated: a way of desecrating and dismissing the Hebrew religion. However, the tone of the passage suggests this was simply a crude, alcohol-fueled act of ignorance.Belshazzar's desecration foreshadows what will happen in the tribulation period. Revelation 17:1–4 describes the final apostasy as featuring prostitution, sexual immorality, drunkenness, and blasphemy. A proximity exists between what characterized the early years of the "times of the Gentiles," including the rule of nations such as Babylon, and what will mark history's closing days.