
Deuteronomy 12:22

ESV Just as the gazelle or the deer is eaten, so you may eat of it. The unclean and the clean alike may eat of it.
NIV Eat them as you would gazelle or deer. Both the ceremonially unclean and the clean may eat.
NASB Just as a gazelle or a deer is eaten, so you may eat it; the unclean and the clean alike may eat it.
CSB Indeed, you may eat it as the gazelle and deer are eaten; both the clean and the unclean may eat it.
NLT Anyone, whether ceremonially clean or unclean, may eat that meat, just as you do now with gazelle and deer.
KJV Even as the roebuck and the hart is eaten, so thou shalt eat them: the unclean and the clean shall eat of them alike.
NKJV Just as the gazelle and the deer are eaten, so you may eat them; the unclean and the clean alike may eat them.

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