
Deuteronomy 33:24

ESV And of Asher he said, "Most blessed of sons be Asher; let him be the favorite of his brothers, and let him dip his foot in oil.
NIV About Asher he said: "Most blessed of sons is Asher; let him be favored by his brothers, and let him bathe his feet in oil.
NASB Of Asher he said, 'More blessed than sons is Asher; May he be favored by his brothers, And may he dip his foot in olive oil.
CSB He said about Asher: May Asher be the most blessed of the sons; may he be the most favored among his brothers and dip his foot in olive oil.
NLT Moses said this about the tribe of Asher: 'May Asher be blessed above other sons; may he be esteemed by his brothers; may he bathe his feet in olive oil.
KJV And of Asher he said, Let Asher be blessed with children; let him be acceptable to his brethren, and let him dip his foot in oil.
NKJV And of Asher he said: “Asher is most blessed of sons; Let him be favored by his brothers, And let him dip his foot in oil.

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