What does Ephesians 1:22 mean?
At the will of God the Father, Jesus rules over everything. Both the Father and the Son reign together over all created things, according to Paul's words in this verse. This includes the church, the bride of Christ, a theme Paul will develop in detail in chapter 5. Paul elsewhere called the church "the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth" (1 Timothy 3:15). The church belongs to Jesus. The church serves as the foundation of God's truth to the world.Many Christians believe they can grow spiritually apart from the church. This passage and others speak against this idea. Interaction with the church—the human, living group of fellow believers—is essential to a believer's spiritual health. Though imperfect, it is the family of believers working together who serve as God's bride in this world. This requires cooperation and unity. The church is intended to seek God's goals for our lives both collectively and individually. Those who seek to grow spiritually without church involvement miss out on an important aspect of faith. Being part of a church is part of God's design, and is foundational to spiritual maturity.
Ephesians 1:15–23 celebrates the value of our salvation in Christ. Paul's prayers for the believers of Ephesus not only include praise for their success, but an appeal for their growth. This passage heavily involves the supremacy of Christ. As believers, we are not only followers of Jesus, but also recipients of His blessings and power. Paul seeks to remind the Ephesian church that a complete understanding of Christ leads to a greater love and a stronger faith.
The first chapter of Ephesians contains two main passages. The first describes the blessings Christians have been given as a result of our salvation through Christ. Paul explains these through praises directed to God the Father. The second section both commends the Ephesians for their reputation, and prays that Christ would bring them into an even fuller and more aware faith.