What does Ephesians 1:3 mean?
Verse 3 begins the first major section of Paul's letter, extending through verse 14. Paul opens with "Blessed be" in order to establish a clear emphasis on God. In the next few verses he will address predestination, adoption, God's will, grace, redemption, and God's glory, all themes connected to God Himself and worthy of blessing.After blessing the Father and Son, Paul notes God has "blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places." This all-encompassing statement indicates that every blessing we could possibly need has been given in Christ. Christ came from heaven to earth from the Father to bring us every blessing we need. Paul will go on to describe these blessings in detail in this section. Here, he emphasizes the fact that "every" spiritual blessing has been given, followed by a list of specific areas that will further define what he has in mind.