What does Ephesians 2:11 mean?
Paul transitions from his discussion of salvation by grace through faith to an explanation of our unity in Christ. Writing to Gentile Christians, he begins by stating that these people are still uncircumcised. This stood in strong contrast to circumcised Jews, who saw that ritual as a necessary sign of membership among God's chosen people. In addition, these non-Jewish believers were often dismissed as "the uncircumcision" by those who held to traditional Judaism. In other words, they were both labelled as outsiders and treated as outsiders. To traditional Judaism, these were people who did not belong to God's family.Paul's point here is these attitudes were completely manmade. The physical condition of circumcision was something people could do, but it was only a symbol. The spiritual, "true" circumcision was something only God could change. Paul will begin a transition in verse 13 to show that this separation on the basis of circumcision has ended thanks to Jesus. Through Him, all people can believe and become part of God's one united family. These Gentile Christians were no longer excluded but were now family with all of God's people.