What does Ephesians 5:29 mean?
Paul continues his focus on husbands loving their wives. Biblical love always carries an assumption of action: it is never an immobile emotion. One reason Paul gives for husbands to love their wives as themselves is because human nature inevitably pulls us to care for ourselves more readily than for anyone else. Instinctively, a man "nourishes and cherishes" his body. Similarly, the husband should have an instinctive desire to nourish and cherish his wife. This happens in the context of living self-sacrifice, as detailed in verse 25.Once again, comparison is made with Christ's relationship with believers. The standard is Christ, not some human relationship which is prone to failure. This includes the idea of continual learning and growth. There is never a point at which a husband can claim he perfectly loves his wife and has no room to improve. Loving one's wife is a lifelong pursuit that resembles the lifelong pursuit of personal spiritual growth.