
Exodus 30:25

ESV And you shall make of these a sacred anointing oil blended as by the perfumer; it shall be a holy anointing oil.
NIV Make these into a sacred anointing oil, a fragrant blend, the work of a perfumer. It will be the sacred anointing oil.
NASB You shall make from these a holy anointing oil, a fragrant mixture of ointments, the work of a perfumer; it shall be a holy anointing oil.
CSB Prepare from these a holy anointing oil, a scented blend, the work of a perfumer; it will be holy anointing oil.
NLT Like a skilled incense maker, blend these ingredients to make a holy anointing oil.
KJV And thou shalt make it an oil of holy ointment, an ointment compound after the art of the apothecary: it shall be an holy anointing oil.
NKJV And you shall make from these a holy anointing oil, an ointment compounded according to the art of the perfumer. It shall be a holy anointing oil.

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