What does Exodus 4:11 mean?
Instead of acknowledging Moses' excuse about poor speaking (Exodus 4:10), God reminds Moses of the God to whom he is speaking. These questions are rhetorical: the answers are assumed to be obvious, so they are really statements. The Creator who formed mankind's body (Genesis 1:27), and Moses' body (Psalm 139:15–17), can guide that body when He chooses to.God is not asking Moses to prove himself worthy of this great task (Exodus 3:10). The Lord is simply telling Moses to obey—to go—and expecting that Moses will do so. This is the proper response when the Lord calls. Isaiah responded with enthusiasm (Isaiah 6:8). Jeremiah made an excuse much like Moses (Jeremiah 1:5–10) and the Lord offered a similar answer. Moses' reaction (Exodus 4:13) suggests hesitation deeper than a simple concern about speech.