What does Exodus 4:17 mean?
Moses' staff was an important part of his role in leading Israel. God used this large walking stick as a physical mechanism for many miracles. Moses and Aaron turned their staves into a snake and back again (Exodus 4:2–5; 7:8–12). Aaron obeyed God's command to turn the Nile river into blood using a staff (Exodus 7:19–20). It was his staff which Moses used to part the Red Sea (Exodus 14:16) and to provide water from rocks in the wilderness (Exodus 17:5–6). It was the same one held up by Moses to keep Israel winning a battle (Exodus 17:8–13).Now that Moses has been commissioned (Exodus 3:10) and all his excuses have been removed (Exodus 4:1, 9, 14), God tells him to pick up his walking staff. The implication is that it's time for Moses to start moving.