What does Exodus 6:16 mean?
Levi was the third son of Jacob (Genesis 35:23). Levi had three sons: Gerson, Kohath, and Merari. His age at death is not-ed, as are those of the other men in Moses' and Aaron's direct line. Levi's lifespan is remarkable, living 137 years; Moses lived to 120 years old (Deuteronomy 34:7). Ishmael, Levi's great uncle, also lived to the age of 137 (Genesis 25:17), as did Moses' father Amram (Exodus 6:20). Much more advanced ages were recorded prior to the Noahic flood (Genesis 5). After the flood, it seems that lifespans dropped very quickly (Genesis 11:10–32). Abraham, Levi's great grandfather, lived to 175 (Genesis 25:7).Because the emphasis of this passage is proving that Moses and Aaron are part of the Levite tribe, the next verse (Exodus 6:17) will expand the family line discussion of Levi. The goal was not to re-record the entire family line of Jacob. Their family history sets them apart for their unique roles: Mo-ses as deliverer (Exodus 18:8) and Aaron as priest (Exodus 29:9).