What does Exodus 6:18 mean?
Kohath's sons are listed next since he was the second oldest son of Levi (Exodus 6:16). He had four sons—Amram, Izhar, Hebron, Uzziel. As a direct ancestor of Moses and Aaron, his age at death is listed—133 years (Exodus 6:17). Amram is especially important in this list since he is the father of Moses, Aaron, and Miriam (Exodus 4:14; 15:20). He will be discussed further (Exodus 6:20). Izhar, or the Izharites, are noted more than a dozen times in Exo-dus, Numbers, and 1 Chronicles. A different Izhar is mentioned in 1 Chronicles 4:7.Hebron is a common name in Scripture, as well as the name of a well-known city where Abraham lived. Uzziel was the youngest son who also had three sons (Exodus 6:22). Only two of his sons, Micah and Isshiah (presumably different renderings of two of the same sons listed in Exodus 6:22), are noted in 1 Chronicles 23:20. Other men named Uzziel are noted in later Israelite history (1 Chron-icles 4:42; 7:7; 25:4; 2 Chronicles 29:14; Nehemiah 3:8).