What does Exodus 6:29 mean?
The important phrase, "I am the Lord," appears dozens of times in the Old Testament. The same God who spoke to Abraham (Genesis 15:7) and Jacob (Genesis 28:13) now spoke to Moses (Exodus 6:2, 6–8). Moses was not to be shy or cowardly but was commanded to relate everything which the Lord intend-ed.Moses' comments about his "uncircumcised lips" (Exodus 6:30) may have meant he feared public speaking, or that he felt spiritually unworthy. Instead of confronting Pharaoh alone, God would use Aaron as a spokesman for Moses before Pharaoh (Exodus 4:10–16; 7:1–7). God gave the calling and the way for Moses to fulfill God's calling. This is an example of the classic saying that where the Lord guides, He provides. God sends His people on missions for which He provides the power to accomplish.