What does Exodus 6:5 mean?
God speaks to Moses, reassuring him that the plan to rescue Israel is very much intact (Exodus 5:22–23; 6:1–4). Recently, the Lord has summarized His history with the founders of Israel: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. While known primarily as "God Almighty" then, He will now be known as "the Lord." His covenant with those patriarchs is unchanged. God has not lost sight of the people of Israel during their enslavement (Exodus 1:11–14; 2:23–25).Applying the human concept of memory to God is difficult. God is all-knowing and eternal, so nothing can slip out of His memory or his awareness (Job 21:22; Hebrews 4:13; Romans 11:33). In that sense, the Lord cannot literally "forget" something in the way we think of it in our lives. In contexts such as this, however, concepts like "remembering" and "forgetting" are more about whether or not the Lord is choosing to act on those things (Psalm 25:7; 79:8; Isaiah 43:25). The suffering of Is-rael was never out of the Lord's conscious awareness.