What does Exodus 7:15 mean?
Pharaoh has refused another command to release the people of Israel (Exodus 5:1–4; 7:8–13). His stubbornness will bring about the first of ten terrible plagues on Egypt. Moses is told to confront Pharaoh at the Nile river, probably at the time he was bathing or swimming (Exodus 2:5). Moses is to deliver a clear statement that Pharaoh is defying God. What happens next is both proof of God's involvement and a judgment against Egypt.This will involve use of the staffs which God turned into snakes as another sign of His power (Exodus 4:2–4). Aaron will strike the water of the Nile river (Exodus 7:19) with the staff, and all the surface waters of Egypt will become blood (Exodus 7:21). To avoid death (Exodus 7:25), the nation will be forced to dig to find water (Exodus 7:24).