What does Exodus 7:9 mean?
When God first appointed Moses (Exodus 3:4–6, 10), He provided several miraculous signs (Exodus 4:2–4, 6–7, 9). These are meant as proofs that Moses is bringing a message from God, not merely a human preference. The first of these signs is changing a staff into a snake (Exodus 7:10, 12, 15). In the Bible, snakes are often associated with evil (Genesis 3:1, 13; 49:17) and judgment (Numbers 21:6–9). They were also among the religious icons used by Egyptians.As predicted (Exodus 3:19–20), Pharaoh will not be convinced by this supernatural act (Exodus 7:13). His own magicians duplicate the feat—at least well enough to fool Pharaoh. However, Aaron's snake will swallow the others (Exodus 7:12). Even that will not be enough to break through the Egyptian king's obstinate spirit.