What does Exodus 8:17 mean?
This plague took place when Aaron followed God's command to take his staff and touch it to the ground (Exodus 8:16). The insects involved are hard to identify. Languages—especially ancient ones—don't always use the same categories for naming animals. The word kinnim' is from a root implying "fastening," so these may have been biting insects such as lice, fleas, or mosquitoes. Biting insects are notorious for spreading disease, so these may have been part of a mechanism the Lord used to send the fifth plague of diseased livestock (Exodus 9:3). Or He may have inflicted the livestock directly.In any case, the infestation is so massive that it seems like the very dust of Egypt's desert climate has turned into bugs. Pharaoh should have recognized this as a warning from God, as his court magicians will. Instead, the Pharaoh will continue to resist (Exodus 8:18–19)