What does Exodus 9:2 mean?
Following the repeated call to free the Hebrew slaves (Exodus 5:1; 7:16; 8:1, 20), the Lord's message to Pharaoh continues with a warning. God again predicts what will happen if Pharaoh continues enslave the nation of Israel (Exodus 1:11–14). God's purpose in these incidents was the freedom of His people (Exodus 3:20). This threat is made against Egyptian cattle; by extension, it is a challenge to Egyptian gods represented by such animals, such as Apis and Hathor.This is the third time the Lord warns Pharaoh about what is about to happen. The first was at the plague of frogs (Exodus 8:2). The second time was prior to the plague of flies (Exodus 8:21). Another warning will take place before the plague of locusts (Exodus 10:4). God offered many opportunities for Pharaoh to repent and relent prior to His judgments upon Egypt. Only after Pharaoh repeatedly chooses to be stubborn (Exodus 5:2; 7:14, 22; 8:15, 19, 32; 9:7) does the Lord begin forcing obstinance on him (Exodus 4:21; 10:1–2).