What does Exodus 9:28 mean?
The latest plague to strike Egypt (Exodus 7:21; 8:6, 17, 24; 9:6, 10) was a brutal hailstorm demolishing every living thing caught in the open (Exodus 9:24–25). Yet the Hebrew territories were spared (Exodus 9:26). Egypt's king, the pharaoh, has called on Moses and Aaron to beg for relief. In that appeal, he admitted that he and the people of Egypt were wrong. Yet he specifically said, "this time," meaning only this latest refusal (Exodus 9:27). He apparently sees no issues with his prior stubbornness (Exodus 5:2; 7:13–14, 22; 8:15, 19, 32), despite the disastrous results of the prior plagues (Exodus 7:21, 24; 8:3, 14, 17, 24; 9:6, 10–11) , or with Egypt's treatment of the Israelites in general. This is an all but explicit claim that his and Egypt's prior conduct were moral (Exodus 1:11–14).Here, Pharaoh recognizes that Moses and Aaron speak with God. Some commentators emphasize that Pharaoh does not attempt to speak directly to God—but such a thing would not likely have occurred to an Egyptian. That detail is less a sign of his humility and more a reflection of his religious culture. In the modern day, it's common for the non-religious or weakly spiritual to assume that believers have exclusive access to God which others could never attain. In truth, God has always been willing to hear those who cry out (Psalm 14:2; Galatians 3:28), even when some of His laws included priests for certain rituals (Leviticus 5:8; 6:6; Numbers 6:10).
Pharaoh claims he will release the Israelite slaves. Moses will agree to appeal to God to bring an immediate end to the storm. But Moses was not gullible. He knew Pharaoh was not entirely sincere (Exodus 9:29). The plague would be ended, but God's people would not be freed (Exodus 9:34–35). Once again, and for the last time (Exodus 4:21; 10:20, 27; 14:3–4), Pharaoh rejects an opportunity to submit to God. This was his final opportunity (Proverbs 29:1; Isaiah 55:6; Luke 13:25; Hebrews 9:27). As a result, three more plagues take place before Israel is freed.