
Ezekiel 32:12

ESV I will cause your multitude to fall by the swords of mighty ones, all of them most ruthless of nations. "They shall bring to ruin the pride of Egypt, and all its multitude shall perish.
NIV I will cause your hordes to fall by the swords of mighty men— the most ruthless of all nations. They will shatter the pride of Egypt, and all her hordes will be overthrown.
NASB By the swords of the warriors I will make your multitude fall; all of them are tyrants of the nations, And they will devastate the pride of Egypt, And all its multitude will be destroyed.
CSB I will make your hordes fall by the swords of warriors, all of them ruthless men from the nations. They will ravage Egypt’s pride, and all its hordes will be destroyed.
NLT I will destroy your hordes with the swords of mighty warriors — the terror of the nations. They will shatter the pride of Egypt, and all its hordes will be destroyed.
KJV By the swords of the mighty will I cause thy multitude to fall, the terrible of the nations, all of them: and they shall spoil the pomp of Egypt, and all the multitude thereof shall be destroyed.
NKJV By the swords of the mighty warriors, all of them the most terrible of the nations, I will cause your multitude to fall. “They shall plunder the pomp of Egypt, And all its multitude shall be destroyed.

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