
Ezekiel 33:33

ESV When this comes — and come it will! — then they will know that a prophet has been among them."
NIV "When all this comes true—and it surely will—then they will know that a prophet has been among them."
NASB So when it comes— as it certainly will—then they will know that a prophet has been among them.'
CSB Yet when all this comes true —and it definitely will—then they will know that a prophet has been among them."
NLT But when all these terrible things happen to them — as they certainly will — then they will know a prophet has been among them.'
KJV And when this cometh to pass, (lo, it will come,) then shall they know that a prophet hath been among them.
NKJV And when this comes to pass—surely it will come—then they will know that a prophet has been among them.”

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