What does Galatians 6:10 mean?
Paul has urged the Galatian Christians not to grow tired of doing good, through the power of God's Spirit. It will pay off when the "crops" come, he has assured them. The most obvious crop is their own eternal life in Christ. Paul perhaps also has other positive results in mind, including the eternal lives of others who will come to Christ. And, perhaps he has in mind the rewards given by God to those Christians who serve well in this life (Matthew 6:19–20).In any case, a planting season only lasts so long. It must eventually come to an end. Paul says this, spiritually speaking, is the planting time. As long as we have the opportunity to do good, to invest our lives by the power of God's Spirit in doing what is right, we should take it. This includes doing good to everyone but being especially intentional about doing good to and for other believers.
Paul describes all of us who are in Christ as belonging to the "household of faith." In Christ, we are siblings, and God is our Father. Doing good to others in our household is an investment that will pay off for them and for us both now and for eternity.