What does Genesis 10:25 mean?
This verse continues the genealogy of Noah's son Shem. Shem's great grandson Eber fathered two sons. Shem's line will continue through Peleg to Abraham and the Israelites.This passage also makes an interesting comment about one of Shem's descendants, Peleg. Peleg's name apparently comes from an ancient word meaning "to divide." The division of the earth in Peleg's mentioned here likely refers to the division and dispersal of humanity that will happen after the events surrounding the tower of Babel. At that point, mankind will be dispersed over the earth, and their languages confused. Those events are described in chapter 11.
This side-long reference to Peleg is also useful for understanding ancient writing. This part of Genesis describes the descendants of Noah's sons, including their eventual geography. But chapter 11 will describe a moment when mankind is dispersed over the earth. This is due to the fact that Genesis, like many ancient records, is more concerned with themes than with chronology. In other words, the story of the Tower of Babel is not the point of this particular text, so it will be mentioned later.
Scholars suggest that Eber's other son Joktan will become the father of Arab peoples.
Genesis 10:21–32 details the descendants of Noah's son, Shem. Shem's brothers, Japheth and Ham, fathered the nations described in the earlier portion of this chapter. Shem's children would be especially blessed by God. Into Shem's line, Abraham (Abram) would be born, as would the nation of Israel, and eventually the Messiah, Jesus Christ. The context given here suggests that some of these descendants were born after the events of the Tower of Babel, explained in chapter 11.
Genesis 10 is sometimes called the table of nations. It describes, in three sections, the peoples that descended from Noah's sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Japheth's people settled mostly to the north of what would be Israel. Ham's people became great nations in the region of the Middle East, including the people that would settle in the Promised Land before Israel drove them out. Shem's line would lead to Abraham and the Israelites.