What does Genesis 19:38 mean?
As Sodom and Gomorrah are destroyed, two angels rescued Lot and his grown, virgin daughters. After losing their mother, prospective husbands, and homeland, these women sheltered in a cave with their father. Reflecting a lack of spiritual guidance from their father, Lot's daughters assume they will never be able to find husbands and have children. Echoing the heinous immorality of their home culture, the women scheme to conceive children by their own father, plying him with alcohol until he literally has no idea what is occurring (Genesis 19:33, 36).Lot's two daughters had sex with their father on consecutive nights. Both become pregnant. The older daughter's son is named Moab, the patriarch of the Moabites, who become enemies of Israel.
The son of the younger daughter was called Ben-ammi, a name meaning "son of my people". He eventually becomes the father of the Ammonite people. Like the Moabites, the Ammonites would later become enemies of Israel.