What does Genesis 21:30 mean?
In addition to giving Abimelech sheep and oxen as a sign of the broad covenant between them to treat each other agreeably, Abraham has set aside seven ewe lambs for a specific purpose. Here, in verse 30, he reveals their exact purpose. He wants Abimelech to take the lambs as a witness that he dug the well that is in dispute between them. Earlier, Abraham complained about Abimelech's men taking over a water source which he had dug (Genesis 21:25).In broad terms, Abraham is offering to formally buy back his own well, in order to once and for all resolve the issue of who it belongs to. Abimelech apparently agrees to this, and the two swear their oaths in the following verse.
Genesis 21:22–34 describes a covenant treaty between Abraham and Abimelech, king of Gerar. Abimelech had previously given Abraham land to occupy. Now the king wishes to formalize their relationship. Abraham swears not to deceive Abimelech or his offspring again, and to deal kindly with all in the land. Abimelech agrees to recognize Abraham's ownership of a well at the place which becomes known as Beersheba, which means ''well of seve'' or ''well of the oath.''
The Lord did as He had promised. Sarah, now 90 years old, gives birth to Isaac, the long-awaited child. Her joy sours, though, over a fear that Isaac might have to share an inheritance with Ishmael. In obedience to the Lord, who promises to safeguard Ishmael, Abraham sends him and his mother, Hagar, into the wilderness. God rescues them and renews His promise to make Ishmael a great nation in his own right. Meanwhile, Abimelech, king of Gerar, approaches Abraham to make a permanent treaty between them and their descendants. The agreement includes Abraham's possession of a well, at a place which will become known as Beersheba.