What does Genesis 24:64 mean?
Led by Abraham's servant, the train of camels bearing Rebekah and her entourage are approaching Isaac's home in the Negeb region of Canaan. In the previous verse, he noticed their arrival. Now Rebekah sees Isaac, whom she is about to marry, for the first time. She quickly dismounts from her camel. This is the beginning of another excellent sign: Rebekah, without knowing that this is the man she is being brought to marry, finds him interesting enough to stop and ask questions.Genesis 24:60–67 describes how, after being blessed and sent away by her family, Rebekah journeys to the land of Canaan. Arriving in the Negeb, she is met by her future husband Isaac and given the tent of his late mother Sarah. Soon, they are married, taking their place as the next generation of God's chosen people.
Abraham asks his most trusted servant to travel to his former homeland to find a wife for his son Isaac. Swearing to do so, the servant arrives at the city of Nahor and asks the Lord to show him which young women is appointed for Isaac. Finding Rebekah, the very granddaughter of Abraham's brother Nahor, the servant reveals the reason for his journey to her family. Her father Bethuel and brother Laban agree to allow Rebekah to travel to Canaan and marry Isaac, which she does.