What does Genesis 41:50 mean?
During the abundant first seven years Joseph had predicted through the Holy Spirit (Genesis 41:28–32), the land of Egypt was especially fruitful. Grain is being stored away in huge quantities. Thanks to Joseph's leadership, Egypt will be ready for the famine (Genesis 41:46–49).Joseph and his wife Asenath (Genesis 41:45) are fruitful, as well. During those seven years, they have two sons. This verse reminds us that her father was a priest in the town of On, a center for worship of the sun. Scripture gives very few details about Asenath, her relationship with Joseph, or to what extent she adopted his faith in God.
For Joseph, these two sons serve as another reminder that the Lord is still with him. God is keeping His promises to Abraham and Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 17:6–8). God does not forget or abandon His promises. The names given to these sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, reflect Joseph's perspective that God's plans are always in place, even when they cannot be clearly seen (Genesis 41:51–52).